What your nonprofit needs for a successful capital campaign
Many nonprofits have put major purchases and other ambitious initiatives on hold during the pandemic. But if you need to buy or expand a facility, purchase expensive equipment, or seed an endowment, your organization may not want to wait any longer. A capital campaign to raise funds can be more difficult at this time — but it’s possible. You just need to ensure your not-for-profit’s [...]
Big, small or in-between: Your nonprofit’s board size is up to you
When a nonprofit is new, it may struggle to find an adequate number of board members. But as it grows, its board is also likely to grow — sometimes, to an unwieldy size. The question is: How many directors does your organization need to effectively pursue its mission? Perks and drawbacks Both small and large boards come with perks and drawbacks. For example, smaller boards [...]
Handle your nonprofit’s restricted gifts with care
Most not-for-profits encourage donors to make unrestricted contributions that will give the organization flexibility to use the money where it’s needed most. But there will always be some donors who place restrictions on their gifts — and these require a higher level of responsibility. If your nonprofit fails to use a restricted donation as intended, it’s possible the donor will request its return, potentially resorting [...]
3 steps to a more financially resilient future
It’s a new year with new opportunities for your not-for-profit to boost its financial resilience. Although COVID-19 continues to make forecasting difficult, your staff and your board’s finance committee can take steps to negotiate obstacles. Here are three. 1. Managing reserves and cash flow Financial reserves have taken a hit across all types of nonprofits, and for some organizations, fundraising has fallen far short of [...]
Are your social media accounts working for — or against — you?
Social media is an essential tool for not-for-profit outreach, engagement and fundraising. But social media also poses a reputational threat if your organization doesn’t clearly communicate rules for its use and prepare for “emergencies.” If you haven’t already, it’s time to implement some best practices. Rules of the road The line between employees’ personal and work lives was already blurry, and the shift to remote [...]
Should your established nonprofit sponsor a smaller project?
During the initial COVID-19 outbreak, a small community group decided to organize grocery deliveries to low-income seniors. Time was of the essence and participants in the fledgling project didn’t have time to file for 501(c)(3) status or build fiscal infrastructure. Fortunately an established nonprofit agreed to act as a fiscal sponsor — providing a legal and financial umbrella to the project. Should your not-for-profit consider [...]
Budgeting ideas for uncertain times
Budgeting, like many other things, was generally easier before COVID-19. Even though the pandemic isn’t over and much remains uncertain, not-for-profits need to plan their financial needs and project financial resources. But you might be able to make the budgeting process more effective by trying a new approach — for example, a rolling budget — or by reforecasting an existing budget. Roll with it Most [...]
Why excess benefit transactions are out-of-bounds
Emily was a dedicated board member of her community’s most prominent social-services charity. But her commitment to the cause and the nonprofit’s programs didn’t prevent her from inadvertently violating the rule against excess benefit transactions. This happened when the organization wanted to build a new facility and bought land from her even though similar, and potentially cheaper, property was available from nonaffiliated sellers. Emily made [...]
Preparing your nonprofit for an enviable challenge
Contending with a large outpouring of support sounds like a problem any not-for-profit would embrace. But, in fact, it’s possible to become overwhelmed by supporter interest and donations — particularly if your organization is small or relatively new. Expanded tax deductions for charitable gifts made in 2021 may boost giving this holiday season. Make sure you’re prepared. Don’t let your site get overwhelmed Disaster-relief charities, [...]
A credit card use policy can help prevent abuse
During the busy holiday season, not-for-profit executives may rely on staffers to purchase gifts and holiday party supplies for the organization. But before you hand over a credit card, you need to make sure that the employee is trustworthy and understands your nonprofit’s credit card use policy. Don’t have a policy? Here’s how to establish one. Limit access Your policy should start with who is [...]
Loan-hunting tips for nonprofits
To remain financially afloat and retain staffers, many not-for-profit organizations took advantage of government loan programs in 2020 and 2021. But nonprofits shouldn’t think about borrowing only as an emergency solution. If, for example, your nonprofit is in good shape and wants to make a major capital purchase or launch a new program, you may want to consider borrowing. Position for success Before you start [...]
Established nonprofits must continue to build and grow
If your not-for-profit was well-established before 2020, it has probably weathered the pandemic and economic stress of the past year-and-a-half better than younger organizations. But as you transition out of “survival” mode, challenges remain, including those faced by most nonprofits, such as finding staffers and fundraising in an inhospitable environment. Then there are obstacles specific to mature nonprofits. Here are some to watch for. Potential [...]
Your board can’t do its job without information from you
If your not-for-profit’s board members don’t have the information they need to make decisions, the repercussions can be severe. Board time can be wasted, voting may be delayed and your organization may be unable to act when it needs to. Worse, board members might make decisions based on faulty information, negatively affecting your mission. Here’s how to prevent such outcomes. For fiduciary success To properly [...]
When nonprofits should return donations
Return requests generally are rare, but occasionally donors may ask your not-for-profit to return their gifts. Are you required to comply? What if you’ve already spent the money? Such requests raise many difficult questions — and even the answers can be complicated. But establishing a return policy can help. Common reasons There are several reasons donors commonly ask for their gifts back. For example, a [...]