Nonprofits and insurance: Getting it just right
Whether you’re starting up a not-for-profit organization or your nonprofit has existed for years, you may have questions about insurance. For starters: What kind do you need? How much? Are you required by your state or by grantmakers to carry certain coverage? Much depends on your organization’s size, scope and programming. But your goal should be to carry what’s required to meet any regulatory or funding [...]
4 tax challenges you may encounter if you’re retiring soon
Are you getting ready to retire? If so, you’ll soon experience changes in your lifestyle and income sources that may have numerous tax implications. Here’s a brief rundown of four tax and financial issues you may contend with when you retire: Taking required minimum distributions. These are the minimum amounts you must withdraw from your retirement accounts. You generally must start taking withdrawals from your [...]
Questions you may still have after filing your tax return
If you’ve successfully filed your 2022 tax return with the IRS, you may think you’re done with taxes for another year. But some questions may still crop up about the return. Here are brief answers to three questions that we’re frequently asked at this time of year. When will your refund arrive? The IRS has an online tool that can tell you the status of [...]
IRS guidance coming regarding the IRA’s Clean Vehicle Credit
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) extended and expanded the Section 30D Clean Vehicle (CV) Credit, previously known as the Electric Vehicle (EV) Credit. The credit now covers “clean vehicles,” which include plug-in hybrids, hydrogen fuel cell cars and EVs. On April 17, 2023, the IRS will publish proposed regulations to clarify how a CV can qualify for the credit. The proposed regs effectively limit the number of currently available [...]
Social Security’s future: The problem and the proposals
Recent reports have raised anew concerns about the impending insolvency of the Social Security program, absent congressional action. Social Security reform has long been considered a “third rail” of American politics and understandably so — the options for heading off insolvency will inevitably cause pain for significant segments of the population. Yet some in Congress have stepped forward with proposals that aim to tackle the problem. [...]
Achieving the right balance of working capital
Working capital — the funds your company has tied up in accounts receivable, accounts payable and inventory — is a critical performance metric. During times of rising inflation and interest rates, managers search for ways to free up cash and eliminate waste. However, determining the optimal amount of working capital can sometimes be challenging. Balancing act The amount of working capital your company needs depends [...]
Retirement saving options for your small business: Keep it simple
If you’re thinking about setting up a retirement plan for yourself and your employees, but you’re worried about the financial commitment and administrative burdens involved, there are a couple of options to consider. Let’s take a look at a “simplified employee pension” (SEP) or a “savings incentive match plan for employees” (SIMPLE). SEPs are intended as an attractive alternative to “qualified” retirement plans, particularly for [...]
How to use QuickBooks as a fraud detection tool
Many businesses and nonprofits use QuickBooks® as a cost-effective solution to manage their accounting processes. However, the software’s capabilities extend beyond organizing and streamlining your company’s accounting. QuickBooks can also help you detect fraud. Here’s an overview of the software’s fraud detection and prevention features: Transaction audit trails QuickBooks creates audit trails that capture user activities. This can help your company identify unauthorized changes. The [...]
Keep thieves from stealing from your nonprofit youth sports league
A few years ago, the popular and well-compensated executive director of a west coast youth soccer league was accused of fraud. After scrutinizing the club’s books, the league’s board of directors couldn’t account for $80,000. Criminal charges were eventually dropped, but many similar cases have concluded in embezzlement findings and significant losses. According to The Washington Post, youth sports has become a $19 billion proposition. Unfortunately, many [...]
Reporting non-GAAP measures
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is generally considered the gold standard in financial reporting in the United States. But private and public entities may sometimes use non-GAAP metrics in their disclosures and press releases or when applying for financing. GAAP vs. Non-GAAP GAAP is a set of rules and procedures that accountants typically follow to record and summarize business transactions. These guidelines provide the foundation [...]
Beware of the gray areas in accounting
Accounting and auditing standards have come under scrutiny in the wake of recent high-profile bank failures. Investigations are currently underway about what went wrong with Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. But it’s likely that some “gray areas” in the accounting rules were exploited to make these organizations appear more economically secure in their year-end financial statements than they truly were. Lessons from Enron Andrew [...]
Spring cleaning in QuickBooks
Have your company’s accounting records become cluttered with duplicate items and unused accounts? When you need to revise your QuickBooks® lists — such as the chart of accounts, customers and vendors — the software provides methods for deleting, inactivating and merging list entries. Here’s what you can do to help spruce things up. Deleting QuickBooks users are often concerned about botching up their accounting by [...]
Time is expiring!
Are you due for a refund from the 2019 tax year? You must submit a 2019 tax return by July 17, 2023, to receive your refund. According to the IRS, almost $1.5 billion in refunds may be waiting for nearly 1.5 million taxpayers who didn’t file for 2019. Note: if you are due a 2019 refund but haven’t filed a 2020 or 2021 return, your [...]
New-and-improved accounting rules for common control leases
On March 27, 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) published narrowly drawn amendments to the lease accounting rules. The updated guidance clarifies issues that are relevant to rental agreements between businesses that have the same owner. Written vs. verbal leases Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2023-01, Leases (Topic 842) Common Control Arrangements, explains how related business entities that are controlled by the same owner [...]