• Child tax credit: The rules keep changing but it’s still valuable

    If you’re a parent, you may be confused about the rules for claiming the Child Tax Credit (CTC). The rules and credit amounts have changed significantly over the last six years. This tax break became more generous in 2018 than it was under prior law — and it became even better in 2021 for eligible parents. Even though the enhancements that were available for 2021 [...]

    Published On: February 16, 2023Categories: Featured, Individual Tax
  • Even perfectionists can learn to love delegation

    Not-for-profit executives can be perfectionists — they often know exactly how they want something done and believe they’re the only ones capable of doing it right. Unfortunately, this attitude can alienate staffers and make it difficult to mentor successors and build effective teams. Then there’s the problem of time: There are only so many hours in the work day. To best serve your nonprofit and [...]

    Published On: February 16, 2023Categories: Featured, Not for Profit
  • Coming soon: 5 accounting rules that take effect in 2023

    It can be challenging to keep track of which accounting rules are changing, when the changes kick in and for which types of entities. Plus, implementing the necessary revisions to your organization’s procedures and systems often takes time and resources. Here are five updates that go live for certain entities this year. 1. Targeted improvements for long-term insurance contracts Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2018-12, [...]

    Published On: February 15, 2023Categories: Business, Featured
  • Processing is still slow for Amended Returns

    If you file an amended tax return electronically, you can now get a direct deposit refund. The IRS announced that taxpayers e-filing Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, have this option. Previously, taxpayers who filed Form 1040-X had to wait for a paper check refund. Taxpayers may still submit a paper Form 1040-X and receive a paper check, but direct deposit isn’t available [...]

    Published On: February 14, 2023Categories: Federal Tax Posts
  • Common accounting pitfalls for startups to avoid

    Accounting is a critical element when launching a successful business venture. Unfortunately, it’s also an area where startups tend to make mistakes. Here are some common (and avoidable) errors that entrepreneurs should watch out for. Failing to track expenses Starting a new business is exciting — and it’s natural to focus on generating revenue and building business relationships. But it’s essential to keep detailed records [...]

    Published On: February 14, 2023Categories: Business, Featured
  • A refresher on nonprofit endowment management

    If your not-for-profit has an endowment, you probably know it’s a major responsibility. Endowment investments generally need to be managed by a financial expert, and your organization must adhere to certain regulations, particularly when it comes to spending. As a refresher — or primer for new employees or board members — here are the basics of endowment management. Prudent decisions First, it’s important to distinguish endowments [...]

    Published On: February 13, 2023Categories: Featured, Not for Profit
  • Before your nonprofit celebrates that new grant …

    Most not-for-profits can’t afford to turn down offers of financial support. At the same time, you shouldn’t blindly accept government or foundation grants simply because they’re offered. Some grants may come with excessive administrative burdens, cost inefficiencies and lost opportunities. Here’s how to evaluate them. Administrative and other burdens Smaller or newer nonprofits are at particular risk of unexpected consequences when they accept grants. But larger [...]

    Published On: February 11, 2023Categories: Featured, Not for Profit
  • Valuing tangible property donations isn’t as simple as you may think

    A new refugee resettlement charity had only just begun operating when its director realized something: She wasn’t sure how to value the many donations of clothing and household goods community members had dropped off. Was value simply the price her not-for-profit would charge if it sold the goods in a rummage sale or on an auction website? Even established organizations may not know what value [...]

    Published On: February 10, 2023Categories: Featured, Not for Profit
  • Auditing accounting estimates

    When companies report financial results, they often rely on estimates made by management. Examples include the allowance for doubtful accounts, warranty obligations, costs of pending litigation, goodwill impairment and the fair values of acquired intangible assets. How do auditors evaluate whether amounts reported on the financial statements for these items seem reasonable? Inquiry and testing Accounting estimates may be based on subjective or objective information [...]

    Published On: February 8, 2023Categories: Business, Featured
  • New report shows a decrease in CAMs in 2022

    The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) recently published its second post-implementation review on critical audit matters (CAMs). The report found that, while the proportion of auditor’s reports that have a single CAM has increased, the average number of CAMs has declined over time. Here’s what you should know. Defining CAMs Auditors of public companies started reporting CAMs in their audit opinions in 2019. The [...]

    Published On: February 7, 2023Categories: Business, Featured
  • Retirement plan early withdrawals: Make sure you meet the requirements to avoid a penalty

    Most retirement plan distributions are subject to income tax and may be subject to an additional penalty if you take an early withdrawal. What’s considered early? In general, it’s when participants take money out of a traditional IRA or other qualified retirement plan before age 59½. Such distributions are generally taxable and may be subject to a 10% penalty tax. Note: The additional penalty tax [...]

    Published On: February 6, 2023Categories: Featured, Individual Tax
  • Why you might want to file early and answers to other tax season questions

    The IRS announced it opened the 2023 individual income tax return filing season on January 23. That’s when the agency began accepting and processing 2022 tax year returns. Even if you typically don’t file until much closer to the mid-April deadline (or you file for an extension), consider filing earlier this year. The reason is you can potentially protect yourself from tax identity theft. Here [...]

    Published On: February 4, 2023Categories: Featured, Individual Tax
  • Does the IRS need stringent oversight?

    House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) is planning aggressive oversight of the IRS. To that end, he’s established an online form to assist IRS personnel who want to submit information confidentially to the committee. Smith said such information can include concerns, information or documents related to misconduct, maladministration, taxpayer mistreatment, wrongdoing or any other agency matter an employee believes deserves the committee’s [...]

    Published On: February 3, 2023Categories: Federal Tax Posts
  • How the new SECURE 2.0 law may affect your business

    If your small business has a retirement plan, and even if it doesn’t, you may see changes and benefits from a new law. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0) was recently signed into law. Provisions in the law will kick in over several years. SECURE 2.0 is meant to build on the original SECURE Act, which was signed into [...]

    Published On: February 3, 2023Categories: Featured, Small Business Tax